Channel: KingCharlemagne
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This should send shivers down the spine


I don't think I need to spell out in great detail the ways the FBI has tipped its hand as to which candidate it favors. From the latest installment in the Hillary Clinton email server saga, to the mysterious quashing of media reports on Trump-Russia connections, to the perplexing data dump of 2001-05 FBI files on Bill Clinton, the FBI leaves little doubt how it is handicapping the race

Either the Director of the FBI or a set of rogue agents within an agency that neither the Director, the Attorney General nor President any longer control have now thrown their support behind the fascist candidate. In other words, the nation's chief law enforcement agency and its agents are now making common cause with the fascist. I think it thus behooves all leftists, no matter their ethnicity or confessional status, to begin to plan accordingly for a worst-case scenario for November 9 and thereafter.

How bad can it get? Mass ethnic-cleansing pogroms directed against Latinos and people of color. Internment camps and worse for Muslims, leftists and intrepid journalists. Enforcement of patriarchal heterosexual norms with summary judgments against LGBTQ folks and feminists. In other words, everyone on the left should be scared shitless at the prospect of an incipient one-party state. Now that the premier institution of law enforcement has played its hand, only the most Pollyanna-ish can pretend that the shit isn't about to hit the fan in a major way that will leave no leftist unscathed.

Do you think those NSA data sets won't be used against us once the fascist seizure of power and Gleichschaltung are complete? If so, then I have one question for you: Exactly what institutional check do you think will remain on the fascists, once every liberal democratic norm has been obliterated? Who is going to stand up to that fascist goombah and his cohort?

I'm not spelling out my plans in specific detail here. But you had better believe I am making plans. I am not going to curl up in a ball of quivering nerves. I do not intend to finish my days on this planet in a concentration camp or gas chamber. Nor do I intend to stand idly by while the fascists unleash their poison on the weak, powerless and simply different. And neither should any leftist. Although the forces arrayed against us will be formidable, there is no longer any doubt that the FBI and its sister agencies are now the enemies of all that is decent and good in people. That's right: the FBI and its sister agencies are now enemies of the people. All leftists should heed this and plan accordingly. We must rise to this moment. History and the decent opinion of mankind  expect no less of us.

Or Hillary could win. I fervently hope this is what happens and that I will be able to breathe a sigh of relief that we have dodged a quite literal bullet.

Edited to Add: Posted before the scope of the eletoral debacle was clear. Now we must organize committees for collective self defense, since we can no longer rely on the protection of the federal government and equal rights under the law after Jan. 20, 2017.

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